Graff Tip #1 Non Smelling Markers

So I've decided to begin to share my years of experience with all of you. This is a new segment that I'm doing. "Graff Tip" will be tips and tools of the trade and reviews on different markers, paint, and everything in between.

this week my focus is markers. Most high permanent ink or paint markers give off a very strong very beautiful smell that most normal people find bad. this becomes a problem when working around people who cant take this smell.

so here's the tip i have for you. i recommend pure vanilla extract because it doesn't change the paint color or mess with the integrity of said substance.

this works for most if not all refillable markers, paint or ink, such as OTR's, Krink, Pilots, and any other marker that can be refilled.

so there you go, now you can work without the smell and the headaches.

Unless you prefer too.


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