Mr. Brainwash, or MBW, is the moniker of an eccentric French filmmaker. MBW has spent the last nine years attempting to make the ultimate documentary about graffiti art. But whilst filming many of the world’s most renowned street artists at work, MBW began putting his camera aside and making art of his own. He has graduated from a few hand-drawn stickers to giant billboard sized paste-ups. MBW does not fit the stereotype of your average street vandal. His artistic process chiefly consists of throwing random modern cultural icons into a blender and turning it up to eleven. The results are by turns profound, provocative and inspirational. “Life is beautiful” is the first exhibition ever mounted by Mr. Brainwash. It takes place in a former Hollywood studio complex and will feature over 200 paintings, sculptures and prints alongside an installation made from 25,000 books and a life-size re-creation of Edward Hopper’s “Nighthawks.” For more info go to http://www.artshow2008.com/
“Life Is Beautiful,” MBW solo show, Columbia Square, 6121 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood. www.artshow2008.com. Opening reception, with Shepard Fairey as DJ, Wed., June 18, 7-11 p.m. Exhibit Thurs.-Sat., June 19-21, 1-9 p.m. And Sun., June 22, 1-5 p.m.
This is what I think of Mr. Brainwash, or MBW

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